3 Day Raw Juice Detox | How To Do a Juice Cleanse
*Please consult with your physician prior to implementing a juice cleanse or any major changes to your diet*
Juices cleanses & detoxes, I’ve always been skeptical of them.
Mainly because they make wild claims and cost hundreds of dollars.
But after we bought our own juicer, and all the fun I’ve been having creating different juices over the past couple of weeks, I thought, what if I did my own juice cleanse?!
How To Do a Raw Juice Detox
The Purpose
There are many benefits to a juice cleanse:
To Super Charge Your Body with Lots of Micronutrients
To Detox Your Body
To Lose Some Weight (don’t expect this to be your ticket out of proper nutrition & exercise, but more as a jump start!)
To Increase Energy
To Increase Brain Function
To Create More of an Alkaline Body
But why I chose to do a juice cleanse was simple - I wanted a challenge
Plus, I was hoping to get rid of some bloat I’ve seemed to been carrying around for months now.
I’ve never not eaten for 24 hours, let alone 3 days, so I knew it was going to strengthen me mentality, plus if I could shed a couple water-weight pounds at the same time, I’d be happy!
When I was telling Andrew of my idea, he was in on it too, so now we just had to figure out how to do this detox, in the best way, to maximize our results!
*whatever your reason, remember it when the detox gets hard & you’re thinking about quitting*
How To Prepare
First, you’ll need a juicer.
I recommend a masticating juicer over a centrifuge juicer, specifically THIS JUICER.
Then you’ll want to get a couple tools that can help make this process a whole lot easier.
Like THIS SCRUBBER to clean your produce (check out the difference in the picture on the right)
THIS BRUSH to help clean the filter
& THIS FROTHER to mix the juice so all the flavors are evenly distributed!
Lastly, you will need LOTS of produce, and I mean A LOT.
Like enough produce to make 5 juices for 3 days!
What I found was that most juice cleanses consist of 5 juices per day, so we figured we would need enough produce to make 30 juices (for 2 people)!
We also made a (rough) game plan as to what kind of juices we wanted to make.
We figured we would have at least :
one carrot-based juice each day
one green juice each day
one beet-based juice each day
& one mainly fruit-based juice each day
I would definitely recommend following this similar structure has it covers a wide range of vitamins & minerals that help pull out toxins, plus it gives you good variety & flavors!
The fifth juice would just be whatever we felt like at the moment, or whatever produce we had in the fridge.
We did go to the grocery store twice (on Saturday & Monday) because we needed more produce, but it wasn’t a big deal because the store is only about 5 minutes away.
I would recommend going to the store at least twice (if it’s close enough!), that way you are using the freshest ingredients possible!
You’ll also need to decide which 3 days you will do your detox.
Usually long weekends are best, because you don’t have to worry about the stresses of work and/or juicing at work.
Juices should be drank right away because as they sit, they oxidize and the good nutrients begin to spoil.
We decided to start our detox on a Saturday because I have a 3 day break from teaching workout classes, and I know I wouldn’t be able to teach a workout class while on a cleanse.
Other Things to Mention
If you’re someone (like Andrew & me) who gives into temptation easily, clear out your fridge of any food you may be temped to snack on.
Make sure you drink plenty of water while cleansing.
The more the better.
Aim for at least your weight, in ounces, to help aid in the detoxification process.
I also had some liver supporting tea, which I would drink in the evening, to , again, help the detox process, but also to drink something different!
My Experience
Day One
Saturday, day 1, I had to wake up earlier (sleep is going to play a big role in the detox process as well) than I would have like, because I had a couple clients to see in the morning.
So once I woke up, I immediately weighed myself (my scale also measures my body fat percentage & total body water percentage), took my DAY ONE VIDEO, and took my body measurements.
I decided only to measure a few areas around my waist because I knew that if any changes were to happen, they’d occur there.
Day One Stats
Weight - 131.8
BF% - 20.9%
Total Body Water - 59.1%
Waist - 27.5
Belly Button - 29.5
“Pooch” - 31.25”
Hips - 33”
Once all my initial stats were taken, I had my usual 32 oz of room temperature water and went on with my day.
When I got back home from work, we made our first juice - a carrot juice - with what little produce we had left, and then went to the grocery store to get the rest of our supplies.
The rest of the day was so low key, we watched a lot of TV and just kind of hung around.
We both felt very like we had very low energy & around 3 o’clock, I started to get this bad headache, which didn’t go away until I went to bed.
Day one was definitely the hardest, and pretty much every else agrees that day one is the worst.
You most certainly don’t feel good, you get weird urges to make chewing movements with your mouth, and your stomach will begin to make noises.
This is your body detoxing, and if you stay strong & stick to your plan, each day gets better!
Besides the headache, all I wanted to do was chew, chew on anything!
I never had that overwhelming urge to chop and chew before but about halfway through the day, I found myself wanting to chew on the juice!
I debated having a piece of gum, but that seemed like cheating so I decided against it!
You will want to prioritize movement while cleansing, just nothing too taxing.
I would recommend walking, stretching, or even a light yoga flow, but nothing more than that.
I went on a 60 minute walk & did stretches each day
Movement will help aid in pushing the built up toxins out of your body, but even moderate activity will be too much on your body, so keep it easy.
& definitely skip the weights for the next 3 days!
Day One Juice & Timing:
11am - Carrot, Turmeric, Apple, Lemon
1:30pm - Beet, Blackberries, Ginger, Banana
3:30pm - Tomato, Celery, Carrot, Kale, Onion, Garlic
6:15pm - Carrots, Blackberries, Oranges
Before Bed - Cup of Liver Supporting Tea
Water Count Throughout the Day - ~100oz
*woke up at 7am, went to bed around 10pm
Day Two
I slept a lot going into day two. Waking up, I forced myself to go back to sleep for a bit because the less I was awake, the less I’d be likely to crave and eat something.
I ended up sleeping for almost 10 and a half hours.
As soon as I was up, I went back to the bathroom to do get the Day 2 stats & to record my DAY TWO VIDEO.
Day Two Stats
Weight - 128.4, down 3.4 lb
BF% - 20%, down 0.9%
Total Body Water - 59.4%, up 0.3%
Waist - 26.5”, down 1 in
Belly Button - 30.25”, up 0.75”
“Pooch” - 30.75”, down 0.5”
Hips - 32.5”, down 0.5”
These results definitely got my excited for day 2!
Down inches, fat, and weight, I was renewed to keep on going, when I seriously considered quitting early.
We had our first at 10 that morning, and it was a made up of a bunch of different greens.
After the morning juice, we drove out to Siesta Key to take a long walk on the beach, a true blessing!
The walks we took were nice & helped us to get out of the house and away from any temptations we have have been feeling.
As for Day 2, I was good for most of the day but then I got another headache (but this one came later in the day, around 5 or so).
Overall, Day 2 was a lot easier & better than Day 1.
I also no longer had those weird chewing urges!
One thing I noticed was time.
It felt like it was standing still!
We definitely felt like we were just running out the clock until we thought it was acceptable to go to bed.
The hardest thing about Day 2 was knowing that there was still another day to go.
I thought about ending the detox on day 2, because I was happy with my results, but I knew if I quit early, I wouldn’t see what else my body & mind could achieve, & I was pretty impressed with how everything was going.
But I’d be lying if I wasn’t counting down the hours until I could eat!
So I kept on going, just juicing away as time crept by..
Day Two Juice & Timing:
10am - Green & Red Leaf Lettuce, Cucumber, Beet Greens, Green Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Celery, Kale, Parsley
2:30pm - Beet, Blackberries, Ginger, Banana
5:30pm - Pineapple, Carrot, Orange
8:30pm - Cucumber, Lemon, Romaine Lettuce, Green Apple, Ginger, Parsley
Before Bed - Cup of Liver Supporting Tea
Water Count Throughout the Day - ~120oz
*woke up at 9am, went to bed around 10pm
Day Three
Memorial Day.
Good thing we couldn’t go anywhere or else the smell of grilled food made have killed me.
After another great night’s sleep, we woke up and made our first juice.
But not before I took my DAY THREE VIDEO & Stats
Day Three Stats
Weight - 127.4, down 4.4 lb
BF% - 19.6%, down 1.3%
Total Body Water - 60.1%, up 1%
Waist - 26.5”, down 1”
Belly Button - 28.5”, down 1”
“Pooch” - 30.75”, down 0.5”
Hips - 32”, down 1”
After that, we had to go back to the grocery store to get enough produce to juice for the rest of the day AND to have actual food on hand for the next day (I had to see a client early in the AM and I knew food was going to be a necessity if I wanted to be a functioning trainer!).
Surprisingly, going to the grocery store, on a holiday, where free ice cream was being handed out, didn’t phase me one bit.
I was in the home stretch & I wasn’t going to let anything get in my way now!
Some of the blogs we were reading about other’s juice cleanses say Day 3 is the best & you feel your best, & they were not lying!
Day 3 is like a 180 compared to Day 1!
You feel great, you’re over the hump of craving foods or a chewing sensation, and your energy levels are unbelievable!
I felt great, I was energized, & my body was responding well, so I was happy!
But I was also really happy to know that I could eat again the next day!
We talked a lot about what to eat the next day.
After a 3 day cleanse like this, it’s important that you ease back into eating.
I know it sounds weird, but it’s true.
Too much food, or the “wrong types of food”, post-cleanse and you could be in a lot of pain and/or undo all the hard work you put in during the cleanse.
We planned to eat light, plant-based foods on our day 1 post-cleanse because the food would be easier to digest them anything more dense or solid, like fats & animal protein.
If you think about it, your body’s digestive system was just on a three day break, so you need to go light!
Day 3 was just like the other days, in terms of how many juices we had.
We only ever had 4 juices, we never felt like we needed a 5th!
We also made sure to get our movement & water in as well.
Day 3 was definitely the best day of them all.
We were officially over the hump of the “negatives” of the detox process & now we could enjoy some of the benefits, like more energy & better mental clarity!
But time did still feel like it was standing still.
It’s a weird feeling to describe, but on Day 3, I just felt lighter.
& I extremely proud that we both made it this far (to be honest, I didn’t think either of us could do it).
Day Three Juice & Timing:
10:30am - Carrot, Apple, Turmeric
1pm - Beet, Blackberries, Ginger, Banana
4pm - Kale, Romaine, Lime, Parsley, Cucumber, Beet Greens, Green Apple, Ginger, Celery
8pm - Orange, Apple, Carrot
Before Bed - Cup of Liver Supporting Tea
Water Count Throughout the Day - ~120oz
*woke up at 9am, went to bed around 10pm
Post-Detox Day 1
Just as every morning during the cleanse, I woke up to do my final check in with myself, and to take my FINAL VIDEO.
I could NOT believe it, I did it! We did it!
& in that moment, I realized I hadn’t challenge myself like that in a long time, and I really needed this challenge.
I needed to remind myself to get in uncomfortable situations because that where change & growth happen.
& I also just could NOT believe my final stats!
Final Stats
Weight - 126.6, down 5.2 lb
BF% - 19.5%, down 1.4%
Total Body Water - 60.2%, up 1.1%
Waist - 26.5”, down 1”
Belly Button - 28”, down 1.5”
“Pooch” - 30.5”, down 1.25”
Hips - 31.75”, down 1.25”
I had lost over 5 pounds, but what I was more excited about was that I had actually lost some body fat!
I couldn’t believe it!
I mean I thought I would just get rid of some bloat, but I got rid of more than that!
I supercharged my body with a tone of nutrients, I fasted for 3 days giving my digestive system the break it’s needed for a long time, and I cleared my body of a lot of acid that was built up in it!
& then I had my first meal, a delicious avocado & tomato toast on sprouted grain bread.
It was heavenly!
Final Thoughts
Lessons I Learned
I learned a lot about myself during this 3 day raw juice detox cleanse.
But one of the most important things I learned was that I taking food for granted.
But during this cleanse, I had a new appreciation for food, especially whole food.
Just the smell of the produce, as we were preparing it for juicing, brought my senses alive!
The smell of carrots when you scrub them clean, the juiciness of a tomato when you slice it in half, my mouth is watering!
I also learned that I am strong enough to fight through discomfort.
I learned that I am a huge snacker, not in the “I’m always snacking” kind of way, but in the “I’m snacking while cooking” kind of way.
I also reconnected to the feeling of being satisfied, but not uncomfortable.
Other Thoughts
During the 3 day cleanse, I didn’t have a single bowel movement, but that wasn’t the case for Andrew.
It wasn’t uncomfortable or painful (unlike when I went 3 days without one and WAS eating solid food), just something I took note in.
But then I had one almost immediately after I had my avocado toast.
Make sure you listen to your body.
It won’t be easy, but it could be worth it.
But if you feel faint, dizzy, or lightheaded, eat a handful of almonds or other nut.
Also, please make sure you get the clearance from your doctor that you are in good enough health to do this, if you decide to give a raw juice cleanse a try for yourself!
You also have to drink a lot of water.
This water is going to help flush out any toxins and/or acid build up that may be in your body.
I would also suggest having an herbal tea to drink at night, to help relax you before bed, and to switch up your liquids.
Lemon water is also acceptable to drink during a raw juice detox, but I personally don’t care much for lemon water.
As I am writing this, I am now 4 days out from the cleanse and have successfully maintained my new weight & measurements.
Since the cleanse, I am now eating what I normally would (I’m about 90% plant-based), and have had 2 glasses of red wine.
The only thing that I did post cleanse that did NOT work out in my favor is the amount of activity I did.
I immediately went right back into my workouts and it cost me.
I would suggest to gradually ease your way back into your normal exercise routine, just as you would ease your way back into eating.
Before I wrap things up, I wanted to mention the cost of this cleanse.
I mentioned in the beginning that many juice bars and online companies have 3 day juice cleanses that you can buy.
They all range in price, but the average price I saw for 3 days was $150, for one person.
That’s $50/day.
We bought enough produce (mainly organic) for 3 days & for two people, and spent under $90 total.
That’s just $45 a person or $15/day.
Not only was this juice cleanse exactly what my body needed, it was a fraction of the cost, AND I was in complete control of how the juices tasted - if I wanted a sweeter juice, I added sweeter fruits, if I wanted a thicker juice, I added a banana.
To me, this detox was worth every penny.
I hope you that if you decide to try one out for yourself, you can say the same!
Happy juicing!