About Our Top Fitness Podcast: Flex Your Knowledge

Flex Your Knowledge, hosted by Veronica Rasicci, owner of Premier Personal Fitness and a certified personal trainer in Sarasota, is your go-to fitness and wellness podcast. Each episode dives into all things health and wellness—from the latest trends to evidence-based research.

Veronica breaks down complex topics into easily understandable information, making it accessible for everyone. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, Flex Your Knowledge podcast is here to provide you with essential knowledge.

Are you ready to flex your knowledge? Be sure to tune in every Wednesday for a new episode!


Do You Have An Idea for a Great Podcast Topic? Shoot us an Email!

We love to hear from our listeners! If you have a topic you're passionate about or a question you'd like answered, please send us an email with your suggestions; we might feature your idea in an upcoming episode of Flex Your Knowledge!



Hear What Our Podcast Listeners Have To Say

“I look forward to every Wednesday morning on my way to work, when I get to listen to the latest episode of Flex Your Knowledge! I love how Veronica keeps it short and simple but meaningful information I can use immediately!”

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Do you want more fitness info? Check out our blog for expert advice and the latest fitness trends, all aimed at motivating you on your health and wellness journey.

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